Tallinn Architecture 1900–2020. Architecture Guide

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Arhitektuurijuht esitleb Tallinna 20. sajandi olulisemaid ehitisi, arvestades kesksemaid arhitekte ja ilmekamaid stiilirühmi. Teisalt on käsitletud ka lihtsalt silmatorkavaid maju, mille kohta linnas ringiliikujal võib tekkida tahtmine saada lähemat infot. Objektid on grupeeritud lähtuvalt kujuteldavast liikumisest linnas piirkonniti. Orienteerumise hõlbustamiseks on lisatud kaardid. Täiendavat informatsiooni annavad piirkondade ja asumite koondartiklid, kust võib leida andmeid nende hoonete kohta, millest aadressijärgset artiklit ei ole. Pildiosas on kasutatud nii uusi kui vanu fotosid.

This comprehensive guidebook written by the architectural historian Karin Hallas-Murula aims to foster visitors’ interest not only in the Old Town, but also in newer, 20th and 21st century Estonian architecture.

The book opens with a short historical overview of Tallinn architecture. This is followed by a guide to the city, divided into sections where the buildings are grouped together and listed according to their location. The numbered entries begin in the Old Town and continue in various directions, mostly along the main roads (Pärnu, Tartu and Narva roads) leading to Merivälja, Kalamaja, Kopli, Kakumäe, Mustamäe and Nõmme. The richly illustrated book includes an abundance of both historical and contemporary buildings. The ѕelections were made on the basis of their architectural quality and historical significance; the location of the buildings in the city and their accessibility for architecture enthusiasts were also taken into consideration.

Most of the photos included in the book are from the Estonian Museum of Architecture collection but there are many that were specially taken for this book.

The publication has been sponsored by Merko Ehitus, Rand & Tuulberg, Astlanda Ehitus, Cultural Endowment of Estonia and Rotermann City.
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