Eesti kampsun

Eesti Rahva Muuseumi kogudest
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Доставка 1-3 рабочих дня
8,85 €
Цена: 17,95 €
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Eesti maarahva seas olid 19. sajandil veel au sees rahvariided, sajandi teine pool toob varrastega kootud kampsunid ja jakid, mis sobitati rahvarõivaste juurde ning need omandasid kohati tugeva paikkondliku omapära.
Eesti Rahva Muuseumis on 2013. aasta seisuga 286 silmkoelist kampsunit. Osa neist on rahva looming, osa kunstnike kavandatud, leidub nii üle pea aetavaid kui lahtiste hõlmadega kampsuneid. Koguga tutvudes võib jälgida ajaga muutunud tegumoode, materjali, värve, kasutusfunktsiooni.
"Eesti kampsun" tutvustab Eesti Rahva Muuseumi esemekogus olevaid varrastega kootud kampsuneid, põhitähelepanu on rahvarõivastega kantud kampsunitel.
In the 19th century Estonian countryfolk still held folk costumes in high esteem, the second half of the 19th century brought along the fashion of hand knitted jackets. These jackets were a good fit with folk costumes and in some places they obtained very strong and recognisable local features.
As of 2013 there are 286 knitted items in the collection of Estonian National Museum. Some of them are items of folk art, some are designed by artists; there are jackets with no openings and buttoned jackets open on the front. Closer look at the collection allows us to observe how designs, fabrics and colours of jackets have changed through different times, it also informs us about the various ways to wear woollen jacket.
"Eesti kampsun" / Estonian woollen jacket introduces the hand knitted jackets from the collection of the Estonian National Museum, the main intrest is directed towards the jackets which were worn together with folk costumes.
Доставка 1-3 рабочих дня
8,85 €
Цена: 17,95 €
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