Elia Kazan´s classic adaptation of Steinbeck´s novel, set in a small farming valley in California in 1917. Two brothers rival for the love of their stern, overbearing, widowed father (Raymond Massey). However, when Cal (James Dean), the rejected ´rebel´ son, discovers that his mother (Jo Van Fleet) is not dead but running a nearby brothel, he decides to tell his brother (Richard Davalos).
This spiteful decision soon leads to the destruction of his relationship with his brother, who in a drunken frenzy runs off to enlist in an army unit being shipped overseas to the battlefields of France. Unable to bear the loss of his favourite son, Cal´s pacifist father breaks down completely. The film was nominated for four Oscars with Van Fleet winning for Best Actress in a Supporting Role.
Kazan also won a Golden Globe for Best Motion Picture - Drama and Dean was posthumously given a Golden Globe Special Achievement Award for Best Dramatic Actor.
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Blu-ray 4K/UHD
James Dean, Julie Harris, Raymond Massey, Jo Van Fleet, Burl Ives, Richard Davalos, Lois Smith, Harold Gordon, Albert Dekker