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Esimene väljaanne. Pärandus

Ruumikoreograafia on ruumi ja liikumiskunsti ühendav väljaanne. Ruumi käsitletakse siin laia mõistena, kontekstina, kus puutuvad kokku erineva ajalooga ehitised, rajatised, maastik ja loodus.
Ruumis liikumise viisiks on valitud tants, sest mitmekesist keskkonda — ja seda keskkond kindlasti on, kui süvenenult vaadata — on parim avada mitmekülgse liikumise kaudu.
Ruumikoreograafia on üles ehitatud fotoseeriatena, kus kord liigub tantsija, kord lavastaja, luues visuaalse jutustuse.

Space Choreography
The first edition: Inheritance

The Choreography of Space is a publication that brings together the concept of space and the art of movement. We view space as a broad term, as context wherein buildings and structures with different histories, landscapes, and nature intersect.
Our chosen mode of movement within space is dance, because an environment that is heterogeneous—which any environment undoubtedly is, provided keen and considered observation—is best unravelled through complex movement. The choreography of space is structured as several series of photographs; by shifting the focus between the movements of the dancer and the movements of the director, a visual narrative is created.

Delivery 1-3 workdays
Club price:
6,95 €
Price: 6,95 €
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