Peppa Pig: Quand Je Serai Grande

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Dans ce livre d´histoires, Peppa et ses amis imaginent les differents metiers qu´ils pourraient exercer plus tard.

Un jour, a l´ecole, Peppa Cochon et ses amis jouent a se costumer et imaginent ce qu´ils feront quand ils seront grands. Emilie Elephant veut devenir enseignante, Freddy Renard veut devenir policier et Suzy Mouton veut etre medecin. Mais qu´en est-il de Peppa? Elle n´est pas encore sure de ce qu´elle veut faire, mais elle sait avec certitude ce qu´elle prefere dans le monde entier: sauter dans des flaques de boue!

Inspiree de la serie televisee a succes de Nick Jr.

In this storybook, Peppa and her friends imagine the different jobs they could have when they grow up.

One day at playgroup, Peppa Pig and her friends play dress up and imagine what they would like to be when they grow up. Emily Elephant would like to be a teacher, Freddy Fox wants to be a police officer, and Suzy Sheep might be a doctor. But what about Peppa? She isn´t sure what she wants to be -- but she does know her favorite thing in the whole world...jumping in muddy puddles!

Original title: Peppa Pig: When I Grow Up
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