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Koostöös Louis Kahni Eesti Sihtasutusega on kunstiteadlane Heie Treier ja Eesti tunnustatumaid arhitektuurifotograafe Arne Maasik otsinud Louis Kahni arhitektuuri ja Saaremaa (sh Kuressaare kindluse) kindlus- ja kirikuarhitektuuri hämmastavaid kokkupuutepunkte. Arne Maasik pildistas 2008., 2009. ja 2015. aastal Saaremaa keskaegset arhitektuuri ning 2016. aastal Kahni hooneid USA Idarannikul, selle põhjal on tekkinud mahukas fotoarhiiv.

Louis I. Kahni (1901-1974) peetakse üheks suurimaks 20. sajandi arhitektiks, kellel on otsene seos Eestiga. Kahn kasvas oma elu esimestel aastatel Kuressaares ning viibis seal uuesti 1928. aastal noore arhitektina.

Raamatu ""Kahn. Saarlane"" läbitunnetatud tekstide ja fotode põimumine toob õnnestunult esile Kahni loomingu poeesia. See on lakkamatu intuitiivne dialoog kodusaarega, kus on loss…

Louis Kahn Estonia Foundation, art historian Heie Treier and the Estonia’s most recognized architectural photographer Arne Maasik have looked for amazing similarities between the architecture of Louis Kahn and the church and castle architecture in Saaremaa (Kuressaare’s Castle). Arne Maasik took photos of Saaremaa’s medieval architecture in 2008, 2009, and 2015. In addition, he photographed Kahn designed buildings in the East Coast of the United States in 2016. On this basis, he generated an extensive photo archive.

Louis I. Kahn (1901-1974) is considered as one of the greatest architects of the 20th century, who has also a direct link with Estonia. Kahn lived in Kuressaare until he was five years old and visited his home island again in 1928, when he was a young architect.

The fluency and artistry of texts and photos constitute a whole. The book ""Kahn. The Islander"" succeeds in emphasizing the contemplative poetry in the core of Kahn´s creative legacy. It is like a continuous intuitive dialogue with his home island where the castle is."
Delivery 1-3 workdays
19,99 €
Price: 38,85 €
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