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Elisàr von Kupffer. Värviraamat täiskasvanutele

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Price: 10,95 €
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Värviraamat kaasneb Kumu kunstimuuseumi näitusega „Elisarion. Elisàr von Kupffer ja Jaanus Samma“ (22.03.–08.09.2024).

Eestis sündinud, ent suure osa oma elust Itaalias ja Šveitsis elanud baltisakslane Elisàr von Kupffer (1872–1942) ehk Elisarion oli visionäär, värvikas isiksus ja mitmekülgne looja. Oma maalidel lavastas ta ennast sageli autoaktina, provotseeris alastusega ja hägustas teadlikult sugude piire. Raamat võtab kokku Elisàr von Kupfferi elu ja kunstiloomingu, pakkudes sissevaadet 20. sajandi alguse ühiskondlikesse kataklüsmidesse ja religioossetesse utoopiatesse, kunstniku lapsepõlve Eestimaal ja homoerootilisse omailma.

The colouring book accompanies the exhibition Elisarion: Elisàr von Kupffer and Jaanus Samma at the Kumu Art Museum (22.03.–08.09.2024).

The Baltic-German artist Elisàr von Kupffer (1872–1942), also known as Elisarion, was born in Estonia but spent a large part of his life in Italy and Switzerland. He was a colourful personality, versatile creator and visionary. In his paintings, he often depicted himself in the nude, provocatively displaying nudity and blurring gender boundaries. This book gives a summary of his life and art, offering insight into the social upheavals and religious utopias of the early 20th century, the artist’s childhood in Estonia and the special homoerotic world created in his works.

Delivery 1-3 workdays
Club price:
10,95 €
Price: 10,95 €
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