Break free from your usual routine and find adventure in your own neighborhood with this official field guide to the popular Randonautica app.
Randonauts everywhere are exploring the world outside of their usual daily routes and expanding their previous understandings of the mind-matter connection. They are finding that once they arrive, there is often an eerily spot-on connection to the intention they set before generating the coordinates. Or they simply discover a place they haven't been before.
In The Official Guide to Randonautica, the creators of the popular app explain how the intentions from the user translate to randomly generated coordinates, and all the theories about why users' set intentions can be so closely related to what they find at the given location. This book gives you the opportunity to log your experiences so you can make the most of what you discover on these journeys. Whether you're a new randonaut or a seasoned expert, this book is the perfect field guide for your next adventure.