The Code of the Righteous Warrior: 10 Laws of Moral Manhood for an Uncertain World

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As someone who goes on yearly adventure and survivalist excursions, Rev. Dr. Alyn E. Waller--senior pastor of Philadelphia´s Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church and longtime practitioner of martial arts--knows firsthand the importance of training. His work has allowed him to counsel countless men as they seek a new set of skills to thrive in today´s world and now, The Code of the Righteous Warrior illustrates Waller´s belief that ritualistic training can prepare men in all aspects of life.

Dramatic shifts in our nation´s cultural, economic, social, and political landscape have upended their lives, leaving them feeling betrayed and lost. But in this eye-opening and inspirational book, Waller draws from his Christian teachings and the lessons he´s learned from martial arts and extreme adventures to offer men innovative strategies to help them fight today´s challenges in ways that affirm their manhood. He offers ten crucial and accessible life tenets such as: prioritize the immediate threat then handle first things first; conserve your resources; and you can survive fear and pain. The Code of the Righteous Warrior empowers you to live your best life and rise above any difficulties you may face.
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