Lisamaterjal eesti keele kui võõrkeele õppimiseks tasemele A2 Supplementary materials for learners of Estonian as a foreign language at the A2 level

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Käesolev kogumik koosneb neljast teemast: minu tööpäev, kodu- ja aiatööd, lemmikoomad ja kodu. Materjal on mõeldud nii inglise keele baasil A2 kursuse mitmekesistamiseks, kui ka iseseisvaks õppimiseks. Tekstide pikkus ja harjutuste tüüp vastavad A2-taseme nõudmistele. Teemade valiku puhul lähtutakse igapäevaelu praktilistest vajadustest.

Lisadena on toodud eesti keele sageli kasutatavad verbid, tabelina on esitatud küsisõnad ja koos inglisekeelse vastega asesõnade vormid.

The brochure includes four topics: Workday, Housework and Gardening, Pets and Home. The materials are meant as a supplement to an A2-level Estonian language course taught in English as well as for individual study. The length of the reading comprehension tasks as well as types of exercises match the requirements for Level A2. When choosing the topics for the brochure, the author kept in mind that the language first of all has to be used in everyday life.

In the appendices, one can find the most often used Estonian verbs as well as question words and their respective pronouns with their English equivalents.
Delivery 1-3 workdays
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Club price:
11,95 €
Price: 11,95 €
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