All 13 episodes of the Japanese anime that follows war veteran Violet Evergarden (voice of Yui Ishikawa) as she adjusts to civilian life following the loss of her arms as a result of her efforts during The Great War. Obtaining a post as a ghost-writer with an organisation known as the Auto Memory Dolls it is Violet´s job to pen heartfelt letters for those who struggle to deal with their emotions. However, as she struggles to come to terms with her previous life as a soldier Violet questions her life´s purpose.
The episodes are: ´I Love You and Auto Memory Dolls´, ´Never Coming Back´, ´May You Be an Exemplary Auto Memory Doll´, ´You Won´t Be a Tool, But a Person Worthy of That Name´, ´You Write Letters That Bring People Together?´, ´Somewhere, Under a Starry Sky´, ´Episode 7´, ´Episode 8´, ´Violet Evergarden´, ´A Loved One Will Always Watch Over You´, ´I Don´t Want Anyone Else to Die´, ´Episode 12´ and ´Auto Memory Doll and I Love You´.